I wrote to the Queen

I wrote to the Queen

Nearly three years ago on the 7th of June 2020 I wrote to the then Queen of England. It was 2am at night. I couldn’t sleep. I actually felt nauseous from the pressure I felt inside myself to write to her. In some ways it felt futile because I argued to myself...
Cry the beloved country just became real

Cry the beloved country just became real

This International Women’s Day, 2023, I feel like those Russian women textile workers who marched for peace and bread, and an end to World War 1 and czarism on 8 March 1917, in Petrograd, (February 23, 1917, on the Julian calendar). Their protest eventually engulfed...
making your mark

making your mark

I think we all have defining moments as we go through life. We hear something that touches us so deeply that we never forget that mark on our journey. One of those moments for me happened at about 16 years old when I we did the poem, ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’...
pause. reflect. rest

pause. reflect. rest

When the fireworks lit up the sky at midnight on 1 January 2022, I was determined that this was going to be the year that I would kick some serious goals, and finally continue to give more support to families after their loss. And so far so good, I was on track to do...
finding your original design

finding your original design

From the moment you were conceived, you were wired for the life you were designed to live on earth. Unfortunately, by the time we hit the age of 10 years old and really start asking questions about life, and most people start comparing themselves to others, who we...
A name and face to connect to ANZAC

A name and face to connect to ANZAC

ANZAC day has always been an uneasy day for me. You know that you’re supposed to feel connected to this ‘most sacred day on Australia’s calendar’ as Scott Morrison recently put it, and yet you don’t feel like you are quite a part of it. It is a day where I have felt...